Our History
Sterling P. Colomb, Sr. founded the Colomb Foundation in 2003, after losing his beloved wife, Verna “Pappie” Colomb to breast cancer and several months later he lost his beautiful daughter, Trineisha “Dene” Colomb to a predator serial killer. After his two horrific loses he did not want anyone to feel the hurt he experienced. His passion is to turn something bad into something good by helping others.

Breast Cancer Awareness
The Colomb Foundation is dedicated to promoting breast cancer awareness for men and women alike through community engagement to honor the memory of Verna "Pappie" Colomb.

The LORD will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, You restore him to health.
Psalms 41:3 NASB
The Colomb Foundation urges everyone to S.A.V.E.
Stay Alert & Vigilant Everywhere.
Be cautious of strangers.
Avoid lonely or dark areas.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Keep your head up - eyes alert.
Travel in groups
Keep car/home windows and doors locked
No headphones while walking/jogging alone
Wear sensible shoes
Be prepared to use Mace, pepper spray or a whistle
Scream "FIRE" if attacked.

Personal Safety Coloring Book

Download the coloring book here:
How Did She Know?
This is the first book in the Colomb Foundation's Reading for Dené series. This book honors the memory and generosity of Dené Colomb, who in November 2002 was taken from us.

school supply giveaway

community Halloween party

Foundation memories